Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Early Alaska Plein Air Workshop Paintings & Demos...and a couple others

Here is a batch from my personal inventory...many having not seen the light of day in some years.  While a few are local, the vast majority are from my first workshop plein air venture to Juneau, Alaska where I had a great group of artists to work with.  For a number of them, painting on location was fairly new and for others how to discipline and set up the palette and work with a specific palette strategy was to go to mode of instruction.  Its been said 90% of the time something is not quite right with a painting, it will come down to an issue of values.  We limited the palette number of colors to about five pigment colors, and limited values to three plus white...that is- dark, mid and light values plus white.  And demonstrated how to utilize halftones as a stage separate from the initial breaking of value groups down.  The painting process feels nearly like the subject is painting itself.  As time goes on, more color is added...but in Juneau on this trip was the fact of so much overcast skies and if it wasn't about to rain, did...though for short periods.  A lot of grays were observed. 

Decided it was time to let these oil studies find welcoming homes...and offering them at low ball prices to make that welcoming possibly happen. As a person of faith there are times to let things go at a fairer than fair price or even gift them.  Scripture says, "freely you have received, and freely you should give" and I feel more than blessed painting. First, I consider having developed eyes that see a gift that pays myself rich dividends...not to mention the emotional joyful mental and spiritual good health painting brings with brush held in hand.

If interested...private message me on Facebook, or Instagram, or leave a message thru this blog, or thru my artist site at FASO...and I'll red dot the work as soon as I can to indicate SOLD.  Also, there are a number of smaller batches below posted previously still available for you to look over also if interested.  To purchase, I will provide an encrypted safe PaypalME link...and factor $7-10 for shipping.  Thank you


"Chilkats-Gastineau Channel"  8x10 plein air  $200

"Off to Work"- Chilkats 8x10 plein air  $200

 "Gift Shopping Franklin Ave!" plein air $200


"Green Bay Wildlife Sanctuary" 8x10 plein air $200

"Chilkat Mountain Valley- Juneau" plein air 6x12 $200

"Juneau, Alaska- Morning's Light" plein air 8x10 $200

Juneau "Peak Cloud Study"  plein air 9x12  $250

Lower Strong Falls Study 10x8 linen  $200

"Onions, Peppers & Crackers" 8x10 linen $200

Presque Isle- Marquette "Backside of the Light" 9x12  $250

"Summer Dusk Reed Beg 10x8 plein air $200

"Wetmore Landing- Beach view"- Marquette plein air $200

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Mill Pond access rd Stick Painting

Roughly 17 or 18 years ago, I came home from my teaching day and logged onto Wetcanvas online artist's community.  I was one of the original staffers of this nearly first such internet artist community.  There were six of us including the founder, and I believe but four forums.  Over the next thirteen years of my tenure before retiring, I would help create eight forums and moderate all of them, co-moderating the Plein Air forum.  When I retired there were about 360,000 artist members from around the world...

On this particular night, (moderators tend to get complaints they have to check out, and request/insist the gruff individuals play nice, or give warnings and even suspensions), it was brought to my attention a few artists were brow beating.  By that I mean those a tad narcissistic and a gift to the world of art, (legends in their own minds) and everyone had best listen to their expertise or expect bullying and vitriol.  Well..our site community user agreement to join and participate did not allow for such behavior.  Again, just "play nice"...

On this occasion was insistent that good paintings can ONLY come from the best materials, the best brushes..and we were talking $40 on up brushes. Many artists, (including myself) are not finding themselves able to afford such brushes.  I myself paint with what I believe are supreme...called Rosemary Brushes, out of England, favoring the Ivory ...but, when I read into the arguments and scrolled, something in me snapped.  Not in a "get in your face" way...but, to go out, prove a point concerning talent as a primary consideration along with dogged determination...and paint.  I cut myself four sticks from alder brush near our home and headed to the local Mill Pond to paint setup on location (plein air).

I used no other brushes, did use my finger to smear and push some paint, but otherwise it was all applied by these sticks that I had whittled with a knife.  The sticks themselves (which I have kept) still have the stain of the paint from that day.  An 8"x 10" oil...which I consider now these many years later iconic and special.

It is time I think this work finds a new home..perhaps gets rightly framed upon its arrival, and I am making this painting on primed panel AND all four of the stick "brushes" available.  At one time, I would have sold this for about $550...and $75 more for a good frame, but...wanting to clear out some of my personal inventory I will make it and the sticks available for $300....contact me either thru Facebook, Facebook messaging, my blog here, or my artist's page at FASO
FASO artist site

And note...if you click upon the image, you will get a larger image to pop up and look at closer.

BTW...I took photos, went back online at Wetcanvas and shared the painting. I patiently waited until I received positive comments and review.  It was THEN that I revealed my very expensive special brushes...which ended the bullying quickly, and of course reminding the artists once more to "play nice!"

Mill Pond Access 8"x 10" oil plein air $300


The four alder stick brushes for this painting

Monday, June 12, 2023

Third Batch of "Finding New Homes" smaller works Sale

Here are more "out the door to new home" hopefuls...smaller works and studies, as most reasonable prices I can offer.  First $100 claims it on most, note those priced differently. From my personal inventory, many works over time as peaked my interest. (* note- clicking on images brings up a larger image to study better)
Contact me thru this blog, or Facebook Messaging, or my artist site FASO...and I will provide you a PaypalMe link for secure encrypted payment. Shipping will be from $7 to $10..

Bond Falls study- plein air 8x10  $150

Color Splash- study of Fall  6x9  $100

Mill Pond- rivers head 8x10 plein air $125

Eye Study  3-1/2x4/-1/2 oil $100

Grasses and Water Ripples  8x10 plein air  $150

Last Light Bull Elk  5x7 oil  $100

Glass Marble study 2-1/2x 3-1/2  $100

Music Festival plein air 6x9  $125

Falls Study Negaunee, MI  7x5  $100

Open Water River Tag Alders  8x10  plein air $150

Ruddy Ducks Bay Squal  6x9 $125

Washburn Falls acrylic plein air  $175

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Second Batch- Sale

Little gems I've long considered, and have long held onto them...and now time for them to flee the coup and go to new homes..

Eagle Flight Study- Alaska 7"x 5" $100

18th Tee Box plein air 6"x 8"  $150

Chilkats Range- Alaska 5"x7"  $100

Gastineau Channel Seining Boat  5"x7"  $100

Hay Meadow Edge  8"x10"  plein air  $200

Juneau Mountain- Alaska  5"x 7" $100

Little Popple River plein air 5"x 7"  $100

Red Paint Studio Study  5"x7"  $100

River Crossing Buck  5"x7"  $100

Peeking Light Falls Crest  5"x 7"  $100

Sunset Point Marquette, MI  stretched canvas plein air 8"x 10" $175

Friday, June 9, 2023

First Batch- sale..smaller works, oil

 So, the way I'd like to do this is I have a Paypal account, business...and you could pay me safely and encrypted with a simple PaypalMe link

To avoid confusion...contact me thru Facebook messenger, or in my batch post on my Facebook profile newsfeed to alert my attention, or leave a comment here to the specific piece.  I will then create a PaypalMe link for you..

First $100 claim gets pick and choice, (shipping separate- about $7-10).  All are 5"x7"...one is 5"x 4" and one you'll notice is a larger 8"x 10" framed plein air.  For that larger and framed one, shipping...size I would ask $145 plus shipping...  

I am not fond of tootin' my own horn, but if you visit my FASO artist website--- Larry's FASO Artist Webpage ....you'll get a fair idea of my current works, their value and pricing.  It will be apparent these are a clearing out of my stored past inventory of studies

Upon sale, I will create a red dot image to edit in and replace what has been sold. You will be able to purchase without attention drawn...one on on 

Let's get started, and I will give a description for each and note clicking on the image will bring up an enlarged view to study further

Alderton Road- plein air 5"x7" oil panel

Alaska Study plein air "Tree Point"  SOLD

Auke Bay Study  plein air  SOLD

Fumee Falls vertical study plein air  SOLD

Mendenhall Glacier- Juneau, Alaska 5"x 7" plein air oil on panel

Strawberries- 4"x 5" oil attached to ready2hang panel

Swimming Redhead Drake 5"x 4" oil on panel

Upper Marquette, MI plein air study- 5"x 7" oil on panel

Wetmore Landing- Marquette, MI 5"x 7" oil on panel

Eagle Point- Alaska plein air- SOLD

Smaller Works Going Up for Sale and Quick Turnover


Going thru my storage cabinet to make available batches of smaller works to release, to sell for around $100...first claim, first sold...plus shipping.  Mostly oils.  Stay tune...